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  • اخر الاخبار

    يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.
    الجمعة، 5 فبراير 2016

    social media specialist is required.

    social media specialist is required.
    A center for autism in Jordan is looking for highly professional person for Highly motivated, passionate, and creative team player with demonstrated commitment to the organization
    Qualifications and experience:
    Bachelor’s degree in marketing‬communications‬‪‎public‬ relations, or journalism required
    Experience in social media messaging, marketing, measurement, and content creation required
    Experience in copywriting, design, basic photography and videography, positioning, and creativity required
    1-2 years’ experience is preferred
    Excellent communication & interpersonal skills
    Good Time Management & team working skills
    Please send your updated CV to the following email address:
    Email: ahmad.t@scadd-jo.org
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    Item Reviewed: social media specialist is required. Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Jobs
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